...celebrating American Pharmacists Month with pharmacy spotlights, LIVE podcasts at NCPA, FDA update on Tirzepatide production, PioneerRx and Axys product updates, and more!
NCPA 2024 is right around the corner, and something BIG is coming to the RedSail Technologies booth! Join us at booth 301 for LIVE recordings of the Catalyst and AmplifyLTC Pharmacy Podcasts. Be part of the action as we dive into the latest in pharmacy innovation, right in the middle of the NCPA floor. See you in Columbus!
AmplifyLTC Podcast
Monday, October 28 | 1:45 PM (ET)
Catalyst Podcast
Monday, October 28 | 2:45 PM (ET)
Can't make it to NCPA? No worries — we’re streaming the podcasts live on YouTube too! Click here to watch the live podcasts.
Product News & Features
Community Pharmacy Management Software
Add Rx Origin to Rx Edit Grid View
The Origin column is now available on the Rx Edit Grid located at Rx > Rx Edit or To Do > Rx Edit for the PioneerRx Recommended and PioneerRx Recommended with Comments.
Add NPI and Dispensing Unit to Invoice Detail Report Template
The DispensingUnitText and LocationNPI data fields are now available on the Invoice Detail Report template used on the Invoice Detail for Excel report.
This will help South Carolina pharmacies meet a SCDHHS Survey request for Average Acquisition Cost data requirements.
Add Search Covers – Last Week Option to Saved Search
A new option for the Last Week field is now available in the Search Covers drop down for Saved Searches and Scheduled Reports.
This helps pharmacies create a weekly review of opioid prescriptions for review the following week.
LTC Pharmacy Management Software
Added New Delivery Manifest Form Design
Added the “Delivery Manifest Signature Each Page” form design so pharmacies can print a signature line on each page of the delivery manifest. "Version: Signature each page" prints at the bottom of each page so users can be aware of the form design they are using.
Enhanced Process for Immunization Records
Added the ability for users to partially enter Immunization record information and then save it to finish for a later time. A patient task is created for each incomplete immunization record and the warning banner “Incomplete records will create a patient task and not be reported to state registry.” will display for incomplete immunization records.
Added the ability to manually associate immunization records to existing filled prescriptions and determine what records need to be reported to the state registry.
Added the ability to keep an immunization record active when a user cancels a fill to maintain an accurate patient chart.
Added the ability to create an immunization record during the order workflow process (Intake/Verification/Quality Assurance) for increased efficiency when filling vaccine orders. An Immunization button is displayed on the Fill Details section when the item dispensed is a vaccine.
Updated Settings: Record Definition > Immunization with the option “Generate immunization record for each immunization fill.” When checked, the system will create an immunization record during the order entry process for vaccines and associate it to the generated fill.
Latest Podcast
Inside RedSail Technologies’ Acquisition of BestRx with Hemal Desai | Catalyst Catch-Up
Times are always changing in the pharmacy industry, and few places exemplify this better than Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. ACORx Pharmacy Owner Shawn Nairn stands front and center in this tidal wave of innovation, embracing the new while making sure independent pharmacies are properly getting their due. He also loves “The Big Lebowski,” so what’s not to like?