…including, the future with Medcare Infusion Services and RxMile in BTS podcast, maintaining the perfect balance with Lewis Family Drug, promoting your business in the modern age, Connect 2025 Pharmacy Conference registration open, and more!
We’re excited to announce that registration for Connect 2025 is now OPEN! Join us from June 5-8, 2025, in Grapevine, Texas, as we bring together the entire RedSail Technologies family for the first time ever. Register today to secure your spot!
The Patient Has Allergies column is now available on the Rx Transaction Expanded, Expanded with Comments, and Expanded Financial search views.
Adding a visual verification for patient allergy status will allow the pharmacy to identify opportunities to improve patient profile information during routine prescription analysis.
Add ItemStockSize to Point of Sale Restricted Ingredients Sold Report
The ItemStockSize data field is now available on the Sale Transaction Restricted IngredientReport template.
Pharmacies in Georgia can easily meet data requests from Board of Pharmacy with the Restricted Ingredients Report.
Add Cycle Start and End Date to Renewal Request Report Template
The CycleFillStartDate and CycleFillEndDate data fields are now available on the Prescription Renewal Request report template.
Adding the Cycle dates to the renewal request will give the prescriber a more accurate picture of the patient's day supply usage than the fill date alone.
LTC Pharmacy Management Software
Enhanced Cycle Fill Process
Added the ability for users to multi-select cycle fills from the search results and use the Submit to Workflow or Complete Cycle actions.
The following updates are specific to Anniversary Cycle Fill:
Added the ability to filter search results by Fill date.
Added the ability to select one or more cycles and use the new Edit fill date button to update the fill dates for each fill in the selected cycle. Note: User permission is required under Facilities > Cycle Fill to use this function.
The Anniversary Cycle Fill Preview now includes Estimated Refill date, Set Fill date, NDC, and Item Status columns to give users more information for each fill.
Enhanced DocuTrack Interface
The DocuTrack Interface for Axys has been updated so that orders are now loaded in the Documents > Folders tab instead of the Interface tab for a more efficient document association process.
Added Duplicate Patient Check Feature
Added the duplicate patient check feature to provide users with a data comparison during new patient entry and patient edits which can help prevent duplicate records from getting added.
The “Potential duplicate patients” warning banner displays when applicable and can be expanded to list matched record(s) in the system. Users can choose to ignore duplicates or open the matching record(s) in a new tab.
When a matching record is opened in a new tab, users have the option to click the “Use this match” button if needed, instead of continuing with adding a new patient record.
Latest Podcast
The Way of the Future with Medcare Infusion Services and RxMile | Beyond the Scripts Podcast Ep 62
For pharmacies everywhere, there are things you can and should be doing to help your community at this moment. Staci believes that as long as you put your mind to it and surround yourself with a team of bright people, you can get it done. You don’t need to be an expert — just by being a pharmacist, you are already more than capable.