+ Add Tare Weight and Tare Balance Fields to Compound Reports
The BatchDetailTareBalance and BatchDetailTareWeight data fields have been added to the Batch Logged Formula Worksheet and Compound Batch Details report templates.
Adding these values will allow the pharmacy to include more detailed weight details on compounds reports.
+ Add Service and Residence Type Fields to Rx Search Report Template
The PrimaryThirdPartyPharmacyServiceType, SecondaryThirdPartyPharmacyServiceType, and SecondaryPlaceofResidenceType data fields are now available on the Rx Search report template.
These additions will allow a combo shop pharmacy to review claims and confirm billing details that may affect reimbursement amounts.
+ Add Item Last Received Fields to Prescription Lost Profit Rxs Template
The LastReceivedSupplierName, LastReceivedSupplierInvoiceNumber, LastReceivedInvoiceDate data fields are now available on the Prescription Lost Profit Rxs report template.
Adding the last received invoice details to the report will allow the pharmacy to consider the item source which may indicate an expected rebate or specific ordering strategy that should be considered when analyzing profit.